1. Andorra: Ministry of Health and Welfare (安道尔:卫生与福利部) http://www.salutibenestar.ad/index2.htm
2. Argentina: Ministry of Health(阿根廷:卫生部) http://www.msal.gov.ar/htm/default.asp
3. Argentina: National Administration of Drugs, Foods and Medical Technology(阿根廷:国家药物、食品与医疗技术管理局)
4. Austria: Secretariat of Health(奥地利:卫生秘书处) http://www.bmsg.gv.at/bmsg/relaunch/gesundheit/welcome.htm
5. Armenia: Drug and Medical Technology Agency(亚美尼亚:药物和医学技术署) http://www.pharm.am
6. Armenia: Ministry of Health(亚美尼亚:卫生部)
7. Belgium: Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain(比利时:联邦食物链安全署)
8. Belgium: Pharmaceutical Inspectorate(比利时:药品检查处)
9. Belize: Ministry of Health(洪都拉斯:卫生部) http://www.belize.gov.bz/cabinet/s-baeza/welcome.shtml
10. Benin: Ministry of Health(贝宁:卫生部) http://www.primature.gov.bf/republic/fgouvernement.htm
11. Bolivia: Ministry of Health and Social Welfare(玻利维亚:卫生与社会福利部) http://www.sns.gov.bo
12. Botswana: Ministry of Health(博茨瓦纳:卫生部) http://www.gov.bw/government/ministry_of_health.html
13. Brazil: National Health Surveillance Agency(巴西:国家卫生监督署) http://www.anvisa.gov.br
14. Brazil: Ministry of Health(巴西:卫生部)
15. Bulgaria: Drug Agency(保加利亚:药物署)
16. Bulgaria: Ministry of Health(保加利亚:卫生部)
17. Colombia: INVIMA Instituto Nacional de Vigilancia de Medicamentos y Alimentos(哥伦比亚:INVIMA国家药物和营养警戒所)
18. Colombia: Ministry of Health(哥伦比亚:卫生部) http://www.minsalud.gov.co/NewSite/MseContent/home.asp
19. Croatia: Ministry of Health(克罗地亚:卫生部) http://www.tel.hr/mzrh/e-index.htm
20. Czech Republic: State Institute for Drug Control(捷克共和国:国家药物管制所) http://www.sukl.cz
21. Czech Republic: Ministry of Health(捷克共和国:卫生部)
22. Denmark: Veterinary and Food Administration(丹麦:兽医和食品管理局) http://www.uk.foedevaredirektoratet.dk/forside.htm
23. Estonia: State Agency of Medicines(爱沙尼亚:国家药物署)
24. Denmark: Medicines Agency(丹麦:药物署) http://www.laegemiddelstyrelsen.dk/index_en.htm
25. Denmark: Ministry of Health(丹麦:卫生部) http://www.im.dk/Index/mainstart.asp?o=1&n=3&s=4
26. Ecuador: Ministry of Public Health(厄瓜多尔:公共卫生部)
27. El Salvador: Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance(萨尔瓦多:公共卫生与社会援助部)
28. European Commission: DG Fisheries(欧洲委员会:DG渔业) http://www.europa.eu.int/comm/dgs/fisheries
29. European Commission: DG Agriculture(欧洲委员会:DG农业) http://www.europa.eu.int/comm/dgs/agriculture/index_en.htm
30. European Commission: DG Enterprise: Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics(欧洲委员会:DG企业:药品和化妆品)
31. European Commission: DG Enterprise(欧洲委员会:DG企业) http://www.europa.eu.int/comm/enterprise
32. European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products(欧洲药品评价署) http://www.emea.eu.int
33. Finland: National Food Agency(芬兰:国家食品署)
http:// www.nfa.fi/english/index.html
34. Finland: National Agency for Medicines(芬兰:国家药物署) http://www.nam.fi/english/index.html
35. Finland: Ministry of Social Affairs and Health(芬兰:社会事务和卫生部) http://www.vn.fi/stm/english/index.htm
36. France: National Agency for Veterinary Medicinal Products(法国:国家兽用药品署)
37. France: General Directorate of Competition, Consumption and Repression of Fraud(food control)(法国:竞争、消费和抑制欺诈总理事会[食品管制]) http://www.finances.gouv.fr/
38. DGCCRFFrance: Sanitary Safety of Health Products Agency(法国:健康产品卫生安全署)
39. France: Ministry of Health(法国:卫生部)
40. Georgia: Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Security(格鲁吉亚:劳动、卫生和社会保障部)
41. Germany: Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices(德国:联邦药物与医疗器械所)
42. Germany: Ministry of Health(德国:卫生部)
43. Greece: Hellenic Food Authority(希腊:希腊食品局)
44. Greece: National Organization for Medicines(希腊:国家药物组织) http://www.eof.gr/Welcome3_en.htm
45. Greece: Ministry of Health and Welfare(希腊:卫生与福利部)
46. Guatemala: Ministry of Health(危地马拉:卫生部)
47. Guyana: Ministry of Health(圭亚那:卫生部)
48. Hungary: National Institute of Pharmacy(匈牙利:国家药房所) http://www.ogyi.hu/index.php?lang=en
49. Hungary: Ministry of Health, Social and Family Affairs(匈牙利:卫生、社会与家庭事务部)
50. Iceland: Environmental and Food Agency(冰岛:环境与食品署) http://www.hollver.is/english/emain.html
51. Iceland: Medicines Control Agency(冰岛:药物管制署) http://www.lyfjastofnun.is/page/enska
52. India: Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority(印度:农产和加工食品出口发展局)
53. India: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare(印度:卫生和家庭福利部) http://www.mohfw.nic.in
54. India: Ministry of Food Processing Industries(印度:食品加工产业部) http://www.mofpi.nic.in
55. India: Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution(印度:消费者事务、食品和公共分配部)
56. Indonesia: Ministry of Health(印尼:卫生部)
57. Russian Federation: Ministry of Public Health(俄罗斯:公共卫生部) http://www.mzsrrf.ru
58. Ireland: Medicines Board(爱尔兰:药物委员会)
59. Ireland: Department of Health and Children(爱尔兰:卫生与儿童部) http://www.doh.ie
60. Italy: National Institute of Health(意大利:国家卫生所)
61. Italy: Ministry of Health(意大利:卫生部)
62. Jamaica: Ministry of Health(牙买加:卫生部)
63. Guyana: National Bureau of Standards(圭亚那:国家标准局) http://www.gnbs.gov.gy
64. Japan: Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Evaluation Center(日本:药品和医疗器械评价中心)
65. Jordan: Ministry of Health(约旦:卫生部)
66. Israel: Ministry of Health(以色列:卫生部)
67. Kenya: Ministry of Health(肯尼亚:卫生部) http://www.kenyaweb.com/government/ministries/health.html
68. Korea: Food and Drug Administration(韩国:食品药品管理局) http://www.kfda.go.kr
69. Latvia: State Agency of Medicines(拉脱维亚:国家药物署)
http:// http://www.vza.gov.lv
70. Lebanon: Ministry of Health(黎巴嫩:卫生部) http://www.saudinf.com/main/c6h.htm
71. Malaysia: National Pharmaceutical Control Bureau(马来西亚:国家药品管制局) http://www.bpfk.gov.my
72. Malta: Ministry of Health(马耳他:卫生部)
73. Luxembourg: Ministry of Health(卢森堡:卫生部)
74. Lithuania: State Medicines Control Agency(立陶宛:国家药物管制署) http://www.vvkt.lt/ENG/default.htm
75. Lithuania: Ministry of Health(立陶宛:卫生部)
76. Mauritius: Ministry of Health & Quality of Life(毛里求斯:卫生和生活质量部) http://www.health.gov.mu
77. Morocco: Ministry of Public Health(摩洛哥:公共卫生部)
78. Netherlands Antilles: Department of Public Health and Environmental Protection(荷兰安的列斯群岛:公共卫生与环境保护部)
79. Netherlands: Inspectorate for Health Protection and Veterinary Public Health(荷兰:健康保护和兽医公共卫生检查处) http://www.keuringsdienstvanwaren.nl/return-engels.html
80. Netherlands: Medicines Evaluation Board(荷兰:药物评价委员会) http://www.cbg-meb.nl
81. Netherlands: Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport(荷兰:卫生、福利与体育部) http://www.minvws.nl/english/index.html
82. New Zealand: Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Authority(新西兰: 药物和医疗器械安全局)
83. New Zealand: Ministry of Health(新西兰:卫生部) http://www.moh.govt.nz/moh.nsf
84. Nicaragua: Ministry of Health(尼加拉瓜:卫生部)
85. Norway: Norwegian Medicines Agency(挪威:挪威药物署) http://www.legemiddelverket.no
86. Norway: Norwegian Board of Health(挪威:挪威卫生委员会) http://www.helsetilsynet.no/english.htm
87. Norway: Ministry of Health and Social Affairs(挪威:卫生与社会事务部) http://www.odin.dep.no/shd/engelsk
88. Palestinian Authority: Ministry of Health(巴勒斯坦:卫生部) http://www.pna.org/moh
89. Panama: Ministry of Health(巴拿马:卫生部)
90. Papua New Guinea: Department of Health(巴布亚新几内亚:卫生部) http://www.health.gov.pg
91. Peru: General Directorate of Pharmaceuticals, Devices and Drugs(秘鲁:药品,器械与药物理事会)
92. Peru: Ministry of Health(秘鲁:卫生部)
93. Philippines: Department of Health(菲律宾:卫生部)
94. Philippines: National Food Authority(菲律宾:国家食品局)
95. Poland: Drug Institute(波兰:药物所)
96. Poland: Ministry of Health and Social Security(波兰:卫生与社会保障部) http://www.mzios.gov.pl
97. Portugal: Ministry of Health(葡萄牙:卫生部)
98. Romania: Ministry of Health and the Family(in Romanian)(罗马尼亚:卫生与家庭部)
99. San Marino: Ministry of Health and Social Security(圣马力诺:卫生与社会保障部) http://www.sanita.segreteria.sm
100. Saudi Arabia: Ministry of Health(沙特阿拉伯:卫生部) http://www.saudinf.com/main/c6h.htm
101. Singapore: Ministry of Health(新加坡:卫生部)
102. Singapore: Health Sciences Authority(新加坡:卫生科学局)
103. Singapore: Ministry of Environment(food control)(新加坡:环境部[食品管制]) http://www.env.gov.sg
104. Singapore: Agri-food and Veterinary Authority(新加坡:农产食品和兽医局) http://www.ava.gov.sg/JAVASCRIPT/main-ie.html
105. Slovenia: Ministry of Public Health(斯洛文尼亚:公共卫生部) http://www2.gov.si/mz/mz-spiet.nsf
106. Slovak Republic: State Institute for Drug Control(斯洛伐克共和国:国家药物管制所)
107. South Africa: Department of Health(南非:卫生部)
108. Spain: Ministry of Health and Consumption(西班牙:卫生与消费部) http://www.msc.es
109. Slovenia: Institute of Public Health(斯洛文尼亚:公共卫生所) http://www.sigov.si/ivz/indexang.html
110. Spain: Spanish Drug Agency(西班牙:西班牙药物署) http://www.msc.es/agemed/main.htm
111. Sri Lanka: Ministry of Health ,Nutrition & Welfare(斯里兰卡:卫生、营养和福利部)
112. Swaziland: Ministry of Health and Social Welfare(斯威士兰:卫生与社会福利部) http://www.swazi.com/government/ministries/min-health.html
113. Sweden: Medical Products Agency(瑞典:药品署)
114. Thailand: Ministry of Public Health(泰国:公共卫生部)
115. Thailand: Food and Drug Administration(泰国:食品药品管理局) http://www.fda.moph.go.th/fdaindex.htm
116. Trinidad & Tobago: Bureau of Standards(特立尼达和多巴共和国:标准局) http://www.ttbs.org.tt
117. Trinidad and Tobago: Ministry of Health(特立尼达和多巴共和国:卫生部) http://www.healthsectorretorreform.gov.tt
118. Tunisia: Office of Pharmacy and Medicines(突尼斯:药房与药物办公室)
http:// www.dpm.tn
119. Tunisia: Ministry of Public Health(突尼斯:公共卫生部) http://www.ministeres.tn/html/ministeres/sante.html
120. Turkey: Ministry of Health(土耳其:卫生部)
121. Switzerland: Federal Veterinary Office(瑞士:联邦兽医办公室) http://www.bvet.admin.ch/0_navigation-e/0_index.html
122. Switzerland: Agency for Therapeutic Products(瑞士:治疗产品署) http://www.swissmedic.ch
123. Switzerland: Federal Office of Public Health(瑞士:联邦公共卫生办公室) http://www.bag.admin.ch/e/index.htm
124. Sweden: National Board of Health and Welfare(瑞典:国家卫生与福利委员会) http://www.sos.se/sosmenye.htm
125. U.S.:Food and Drug Administration(美国:食品和药品管理局)
126. U.S.:Substance Abuse Prevention, Addictions Treatment and Mental Health Services(美国:药物滥用防止、毒瘾治疗与精神卫生局)
127. U.S.:National Institutes of Health(美国:国家健康研究所)
128. U.S.:National Agricultural Library USDA/FDA Foodborne Illness Education Information Center(美国:国家农业图书馆的USDA/FDA食源性疾病教育信息中心)http://www.nal.usda.gov/foodborneJoint
129. Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition(食品安全和应用营养联合研究所)http://www.jifsan.umd.edu
130. National Center for Toxicological Research(国家毒理学研究中心) http://www.fda.gov/nctr
131. Center for Veterinary Medicine(兽药中心)
132. Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition(食品安全和应用营养中心) http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov
133. Center for Drug Evaluation and Research(药品评价和研究中心) http://www.fda.gov/cder
134. Center for Devices and Radiological Health(器械和辐射健康中心) http://www.fda.gov/cdrh
135. Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research(生物制品评价和研究中心) http://www.fda.gov/cber
136. U.S.:Drug Enforcement Administration(美国:毒品强制执法管理局) http://www.justice.gov/dea
137. U.S.:Department of Health and Human Services(美国:健康和人类服务部) http://www.hhs.gov
138. U.S.:Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 美国:疾病控制与预防中心 http://www.cdc.gov
139. Uganda: Ministry of Health(乌干达:卫生部)
140. UK: Food Standards Agency(英国:食品标准署)
141. UK: Veterinary Medicines Directorate(英国:兽药理事会)
142. UK: Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency(英国:药物和保健产品监管署)
143. UK: Medical Devices Agency(英国:医疗器械署) http://www.medical-devices.gov.uk
144. UK: National Institute for Biological Standards and Control(英国:国家生物学标准和管制所)
145. UK: Department of Health(英国:卫生部)
146. Ukraine: Ministry of Health(乌克兰:卫生部)
147. United Arab Emirates: Federal Department of Pharmacies(阿拉伯联合酋长国:联邦药房部)
148. United Arab Emirates:Ministry of Health(阿拉伯联合酋长国:卫生部) http://www.moh.gov.ae/intro
149. Uruguay: Ministry of Public Health(乌拉圭:公共卫生部)
150. Venezuela: Ministry of Health and Social Development(委内瑞拉:卫生与社会发展部)
151. Zimbabwe: Ministry of Health and Child Welfare(津巴布韦:卫生与儿童福利部) http://www.gta.gov.zw/health.html